When your boyfriend asks you what you love about them you should say everything. If he asks you what everything means you should say I love your deep voice if he has one, the way you cant stop buying me things, the way you laugh, the fact that you tell me you love me all the time and the way you hold me at night.
If a boy asks you out and you have a boyfriend, you should say no.
You tell him the truth. If you love him back, say so. If you're not sure, say something like "That makes me feel so good! Thanks for telling me."
I would ask him what he means by that.
You make out with him as much as you can :)
You say you like him.
be like. ask me in ten years and then I'll say yes. haha!
Tell the truth. If you don't know why he asked the question, say "why did you ask that question? Is something wrong?"
If he asks you if you like him jus say i have a boyfriend so you wont hurt his feelings if you dont like him. & saying the same thing will pretty much work for anything he asks.
say how much you love her
That you love him more than the whole universe! :)