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I started dating my boyfriend the day after we met. We've been together a while, and were engaged now.

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Q: The day you got with your boyfriend is it your first month?
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A bad day can be a day when you got caught with your boyfriend/girlfriend, when you got an F on a test, or when everything that happens to you upsets you in one day.

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No. It is not bad to be 18 years old and haven't got your first boyfriend.

What do i do when a boy askes me if i have a boyfriend?

Just be honest, if you have got a boyfriend then tell him you have, if you haven't got a boyfriend then tell you haven't got a boyfriend :)

I broke up with my boyfriend and we got back the next day When does the relationship counter start?

I believe the day you got back together. I hope this helped. xoxox

I cannot keep your boyfriend erect?

You mean you can not keep your boyfriend erect, mine stays hard all the time... ...but when we first started dating, I was not on birth control, and condoms were uncomfortable for both of us. When I got on the NuvaRing, he started losing his erection. The problem was that he did not trust the NuvaRing until I got my period after the first month. Once I got it, then got off it (my period, not the NuvaRing), things were great. Maybe he's anxious about trying to impress you, or he's afraid of getting your pregnant.

What do you get for a 14 year old boyfriend- We've only been together for about a month?

Well, my boyfriend and I have been together one month and his birthday is TOMORROW! He loves music, so I got him a Guitar Center giftcard. Take to his interests and branch off from that :)

Does One a day energy work?

when you first start taking it it works wonders. I got into about my 4th month using it and i started vomiting up my feces and blood.

When you have your first kiss should your boyfriend kiss you or do you kiss him?

It is sought of up to you. when i got my first kiss i made the first move...