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Q: Something that helps the wellness of others?
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What helps your physical wellness?

fruit and veggies help your physical wellness. i play sports and that help me

What wellness businesses exist?

Watkins, Melaleuca, and many others.

Why are miracles in action worthwhile?

Sometimes it takes people to see something to believe it. Miracles that people witness in action helps others strengthen their faith and helps others grasp a faith.

How can you reach higher levels on the wellness continuum?

The wellness paradigm, which can be utilized at any point on the continuum, helps you move toward higher levels of wellness. The treatment paradigm can also help you reach up to neutral levels on the wellness continuum by utilizing medicine, herbs, surgery, ect. High-level wellness involves giving good care to your physical self!

Is helping others a part of social wellness?

Yes , altruism represents empathy and civilisation(< adjective) .

What are the dimensions of wellness?

There are 6 dimensions in wellness. They are: 1. Physical Wellness 2. Emotional Wellness 3. Intellectual Wellness 4. Spiritual Wellness 5. Social Wellness 6. Environmental Wellness

What is something that helps set one thing apart from the other is called?

A distinguishing factor or characteristic helps set one thing apart from another. It can be a unique feature or quality that makes something stand out or be different from others.

Why do you have longitude and latitude?

-- tell others where you are, or where something else is -- understand where something or somebody else is located -- know how to get from where you are to where you want to be

What is a person called that helps others?

a person that helps others with their problems is a?

How does Wellness differentiate its dog food from others on the market?

Wellness differentiates its dog food from other brand because they use real chuck ground beef in the dog food, The dogs love the incredible fresh flavor.

What is social wellness?

Social Wellness refers to one's ability to interact with people around them. It involves using good communications skills, having meaningful relationships, respecting yourself and others, and creating a support system that includes family members and friends.Social wellness follows these tenets:It is better to contribute to the common welfare of our community than to think only of ourselves.It is better to live in harmony with others and our environment than to live in conflict with them.

A capacity to think critically is an example of?

A. emotional wellness B. intellectual wellness C. interpersonal and social wellness D. spiritual wellness