The appendage hanging down from the roof of the mouth at the rear of the tongue is called the uvula.
yes it normal
Probable should get that checked out...
These small spikes are likely your taste buds, which help you detect different flavors in food. They are a normal part of the anatomy of the tongue and play a crucial role in your sense of taste.
A tongue with a barbell in it.
A most unpleasant sore throat, a spotted tongue (white coated with small spots of normal tongue-color showing), swollen glands, and there can be liver damage sometimes when not treated with antibiotics.
No, its not. Go see your piercer.
It means the tongue is normal. Papillae are the tiny protuberances on the surface of the tongue housing your tastebuds.
No - that is not normal behaviour.
I don't know if it's normal, but i do it.
Yes. Very normal. Don't do it.
Under the tongue is the floor of the mouth, which consists of muscles and glands. Behind the jaw is the submandibular gland, which produces saliva.
small red bump on the tongue is the intimation or symptoms of tongue ulcer.