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A tongue with a barbell in it.

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Q: What does a normal tongue piercing look like?
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What should your tongue look like after you get it pierced should it feel like a ball round your tongue?

Well it should look like a tongue with a barbell running through it, the distention (mild swelling) around the piercing is normal and no cause for concern

What is a tongue piercing meant for?

A tongue piercing is neither meant for anything nor has any meaning; it's just for aesthetics like any other piercing. It's meant to look good.

What does the main vien look like when pirecing the tongue?

That would be the professional body piercers concern during your tongue piercing.

What is the purpose of a tongue piercing?

There is no purpose for a tongue piercing (or any other piercing) aside from aesthetics. People think they look good, so they get them.

How should a male tongue piercing look?

Its not supposed to look like anything in particular. you can expect a lot of swelling, sometimes a white ring around the piercing, which is all perfectly normal If it bleeds a little bit that is fine too. i suggest you clean it with antiseptic mouthwash without alcohol or salt water religiously.

Do tongue piercing look good?

It is definitely a personal opinion, like liking different flavors of ice cream. I personally think that a tongue piercing is gross and i like ear piercings and nose piercings much much better.

Do tongue piercings look ok if your tongue is short?

Quite honestly, I think a tongue piercing looks GREAT on anyone. But really, if you want a tongue piercing, it's about what you think. Not what other people think about it. If you want it, and you know you'll like it, then go for it. You don't have to worry about what people will say.

What colour should your tongue be after a tongue piercing?

The same as before the piercing. Look you will get a whitish film on your tongue once it's been done but generally a day or two after the piercing, it's nothing to worry about just stay in your ice and you will be fine.

Why is it bad to get a tongue piercing?

cause it look wierd and food can get in the hole lol

Is it normal for your tongue to be a green color after a piercing?

No. You need to go see a doctor or back to the piercing shop & have the piercer who did it take a look at it to see what happened.

How long is it normal to have a dent on your tongue after piercing?

IS the jewelry really tight? Its not uncommon for the bottom ball to "nestle" and cause a dent on the underside of your tongue but not usually on the top. I sugggest that you go ask your piercer since they can actually look at whats going on :)

What can you do about a crooked tongue ring?

Put a shorter barbell in the piercing and it won't look crooked.