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no, ice is only good on injury's like burns, muscles ect.. but not for your sinus swelling.. You need an anit-histamine...

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Q: Should you use ice on sinus swelling?
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Heat is for therapy, cold is for swelling. If you have a swollen finger you should use ice, you should check with your doctor if the swelling doesn't go down.

When should you put ice on something and when should you put heat?

When in doubt, use ice. Most injuries cause swelling and inflammation of the tissues, and ice will help that. Heat is best for tired muscles.

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If your hand is swelling then you must of burt your self, spained something or may have even broken it. you should ice it what ever happens.. R.I.C.E! use it!

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Put ice on them or use an ice pack, it will help the swelling to come down. If you think you've broken a bone, you can go to the emergency room.

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For the first 24 hours post-operative, ice packs are recommended to minimize swelling. After 24 hours, warm compresses are recommended to reduce swelling.

How do you use ice in health care?

Reduce pain, swelling, or temperature

I have some post operative swelling should I use a hot or cold compress?

Cold compress or ice pack (frozen peas or something else similar).

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Conjunctivitis is the inflammation of a conjunction. You should put ice on the eye. It will reduce swelling. If eyes are dry use eye drops. If eyes are hurting use sunglasses.

How long do you leave ice on a sore elbow?

You only use I've if it's swollen. You'd keep the ice on until the swelling goes down.

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You should use an alcohol free mouthwash after you eat or drink anything besides bottled water. Keep ice on it and use ibuprofen to reduce swelling. You should not do anything with it while it is healing besides keeping it clean, and in your mouth.

What to do if you dislocate something?

You should visit a doctor in order to see if there is more damage than what has been applied already. You should use a sort of ice pack or heart pack in order to prevent swelling, I wouldn't recommend trying to do it yourself.

How do you use cajeput oil for sinus conjestion?

To use cajuput oil for sinus congestion, it should first be diluted. Then it should be rubbed on the skin, wherever it is needed to help the congestion.