You should defintely tell them. I told my crush that I like him and now we are going out. If the guy/girl that you like, likes you back then there is a chance they won't ask you out because they are afraid you would reject them. It worked out for me, so it should for you. Even if they don't like you back there is also a chance that they will still pay you more attention.
im having same problem
i would get nerves too. first just talk about something funny or just talk. laugh. later you will have this feeling in your stomach and that tells you its time. its time to tell your crush that you like him or her. also heres a tip to know if he likes you or not. if he stares at you in class, if he always tells you jokes, also if he asks you to dance with him or her. my Best friend had a boyfriend. they were playing soccer and this guy came up to her and asked if she like him. and she said yes! LOL! just dont be nerves. tell him or her how you feel. you can also ask his or her best friend or close friend if he or she can ask your crush if he likes you. but dont say you like him or her. wait for that part when your alone or outside. also you have to get this feeling. remember dont just tell your crush how you feel right away. just wait for the right moment. I know this will work....But i dont a have a boyfriend. i never had one an never will have one. LOL! i hope i helped.;)
Yes. Us guys sometimes don't pick up hints very well. It might be best to write him a note that explains that you like him and a little about why you like him. That way he isn't put on the spot by you popping in front of him and just shocking him with, "Hi, I like you, do you like me?" Better to give him a letter he can read and think about without any pressure. Good luck. I hope that's good advice.
Yes by showing a clues and yes if he also like you. but unfortunately, it's clueless.
You should tell your crush you like him/her eventually or else, your crush might find someone else they like you'll be heartbroken.
You should go tell him that you like him
good luck!!!!!!!
depends on if you know he likes you or not
you should ask a friend to tell the guy that you like him or you should go up to him and tell that you like him.(because i did that with my crush)
go tell them if u like them or not simple
yes, don't hesitate in telling. Just tell her how you feel about her.
you should tell him that you like him :) ps im in 8th grade too
Talk to your crush and see if they like you if they do tell them that you like them and roll with it , or you can hang out with your secret crush and after a few months later you will find out they like you another thing you could do with your crush is be nice to them then they will like you. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Love, you can tell your parents anything. When it comes to a crush on a boy, your mom will always be willing to listen. Yes, you should tell her you have a crush on a boy, she will tell you what's best for you. Just tell her you know this boy who is really nice, and you like him. Ask her for her advice.
Is there are really good reason why your friends hate her, or is it maybe because they do not want you to ditch them for her? First, explain to your friends why you like her and that they should respect that. Tell them that it will not change your friendship with them. Then simply tell her that you have a crush..