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You should go tell him that you like him

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Q: What should i do now that my crush knows i like him?
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No one but him knows that.

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First, Breathe! He probably just figured it out. Sometimes boys do that!(assuming you are agirl, you sound like one). second, talk to him privately and ask him not to tell anyone, for your sake. If your ex-crush knows you now crush, get him to help!

Should you tell your crushs friend that you like your crush?

well if you dont want your crush to know i suggest now but if you do go riight on ahead (:

What to do if your friends send a text message telling your crush that you like him?

Obviously he knows you like him now - you could give him your number and tell him if he would like to go out sometime to give you a call and see what happens.

Should you wait until my crush is taller before I ask him out or do it now We are 12?

If you like him I would ask him out while you have the chance... He might like you now but maybe not later in life.

You just told your crush you like him and now he is flauting his girlfriend in your face?

ignore it. he's just being a jerk. but, at least he knows your feelings. now you know who he really is and can move on with your life. even if it takes time.

Your crush used to like you and now he acts like he doesn't like you what is that a sign of?

he does not like you

What do you do if your friend from another school steals your crush's number and keeps texting him saying you told her to so now he knows you like him?

Just fess up to it... Text him and say it's true I do like you now you know so what... (I'm also a teen this has happened to me too)

Your crush knows you like him now he stares at you but you asked him out on the phone and he said yes but then he said he doesn't like you whats wrong with him?

he finds your personality appealing, but he just doesn't think you're attractive. sorry you had to find out this way.

Should you have someone ask out your crush for you?

I did and now I'm a year into my relationship

What should you do if the guy you had a crush on likes you but now you hate him?

Well maybe tell him why you now 'hate' him

What do you do after your crush knows that you like him but you are both to shy to talk to each other now?

If you go near him and you sit by him all the time you will be forced to talk to eachother and then it wont be awkward anymore! it works i promise!