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There will come a time that a stool softener will be of great help on relieving painful bowel movements and constipation. Rare is it to find people who will readily admit their problems with regularity. However, when the need arises to do something about constipation, sufferers want the information readily available. A stool softener is a drug that works to bring water to the colon to soften hard and dry fecal matter to allow it to pass easier.

There are many different brand names of stool softening agents. Psyllium fiber in name brand fiber supplement products will work over time as a stool softener due to the water soluble fiber naturally holding more water in place in fecal matter. There have been tests that indicate that psyllium fiber offers more water retention in feces than medicines such as docusate sodium.

Many issues that cause the need to take a stool softening agent are because of lack of fiber in the normal diet. Another issue is perpetual dehydration. Many people simply do not drink enough water throughout each day. Without enough water to carry out bodily functions, the body will compromise the use of water in areas that are the least critical. Blood volume requires water; the body will rob from water used in the colon to meet the need for water in the blood.

Docusate sodium is the generic name of an over-the-counter drug sold as a stool softener. It works by surfactant properties and by increasing secretion of water into the bowel. Soap works by making water wetter. It makes it disperse into and around things better. Soaps are made from chemicals that act as surfactants. Docusate sodium works as a surfactant in the colon and also encourages secretion of more water into the bowel. It is important to drink plenty of water to allow this medication to work properly.

Long term use of the natural fiber supplement psyllium is recommended as being important to a diet that otherwise lacks fiber intake. However, long term use of medications such as docusate sodium should be under the direct supervision and recommendation of a physician. It is a good idea to also tell a physician about use of psyllium fiber. Do not overuse psyllium. Sudden increases in dietary fiber may actually cause a bowel obstruction.

Docusate sodium by itself works as a softening agent. However, there are combo versions of this drug available over-the-counter that also add a stimulant laxative drug component. This type of medicine works to soften the stool and also to increase peristalsis which is the rhythmic contraction of the bowel. Cramping and the immediate urge to defecate are usually side effects of stimulant laxatives. Long term use of this type of drug absolutely should be under the direction of a physician.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

If you have to strain on your stool then a stool softener would probably help.

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Check with your dr before taking any medications while you are pregnant. Most offices will give you a sheet listing common over the counter meds that you can take.If they haven't a simple call to the office will do. Most will either call you in or recommend an over the counter stool softener. If this is a recurrent issue there is a prenatal vitamin available by prescription that has a stool softener in it.

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Yes. Stay away from stimulant based laxatives though as they can worsen the problem. Drink plenty of water and try eating more fiber while on pain meds. Dr. Dan You can, and it is very recommended as long as opioid drugs cause constipation and slower the intestinal motility. Stimulant laxatives (senné) are also recommended to prevent the constipation. Normally, you should always use a stool softener with a stimulant laxative when you take an opioid (e.g. oxycodone) for a long time.

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I know from experience how painful it can be, pain pills make you very constipated. But I have tried lots of different things but Colace ( a stool softener) is the only thing that i can find to help! You can get it over otc at Walmart Walgreens or you can get a RX for it also.

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