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There is never a reason to stay with someone whom you dont love. Remember "Faults are thick when love is thin."

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Why would you? Would you stay with him if he is rich? What else can you do? Does he want you to stay? Does he know you are not attracted to him, or are you pretending to?

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Q: Should you stay with a man you are not in love with or attracted to?
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Stay with a rich man and never stop loving the man that you love! Stay in both side, however you shouldn't be sexulality involved with the man that you love. Don't forget a good man is a poor man (Or he is not rich) because a rich man is not a good man otherwise he won't get rish!

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Yes, of course, Attraction denotes liking something. You can be socially attracted, and so on. You could aspire to her this could also mean you are attracted to her.

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Depends on if you are attracted to the men doing this.