No. A gay man is, by definition, a man who is attracted to other men. A butch woman, no matter how butch, is still a woman.However, If there is a man who seems gay and is attracted to a butch woman, he would be considered bisexual, and a bisexual or straight man could definitely be attracted to a butch woman.
Homosexuality and transsexuality are two different things. Transsexuals feel that they've been born in the wrong body. Homosexuals are sexually attracted to the same sex as themselves. Sometimes they coincide. So you get all combinations: -someone born a man, sexually attracted to women, but wanting to be a woman. -someone born a man, sexually attracted to men, but wanting to be a woman - someome born a woman, sexually attracted to women, but wanting to be a man -someone born a woman, sexually attracted to men, wanting to be a man. So if a transsexual is considered gay or not becomes a bit awkward, as the frame of reference would change if the person goes ahead with a sex change or not.
what makes a man attracted to a woman
Yes. Happens all the time.
Absolutely not. Transgender women are women. You are only gay if you are a man who is sexually attracted to men
It means that either the man needs to re-evaluate his standards or that you are a jealous person that just thinks the woman is bad for him.
If the woman is beautiful then a man may feel sexually attracted. But, if the woman does not look good in the mans eyes, then he may feel uncomfortable around her.
No, you need to be attracted to men sexually to be gay. Bottoming for a gay man, a straight man or a woman can mean you like to be penetrated anally or that you will do it for money.
No, it may mean that the man enjoys the anal stimulation on his prostate. He is gay if he is sexually or romantically attracted to the same sex. If he is having sex with a woman that would suggest that he is not gay.
A man can be bisexual meaning he is attracted sexually to both sexes.
Women should really be attracted to man. A woman should not be attracted to another woman.(lesbian)TheSame thing as a man should not be attracted to another man.(gay/homosexual). Why are women attracted to man. Because, it is most likely for a man to meet the emotional needs of a woman. Although most of the times it leads to deeper relationships.
Some people think that when a man loves a man or a woman loves a woman it means they are sexually confused, but it is genetic.