No, hand sanitizer contains alcohol which is not good for the skin.
well first hand sanitizer has alcohol that irritates your skin so don't put it on you mouth near or around your eyes and never put hand sanitizer on you hair more than 2 time your hair might fall out so i say never put it on your face if u do quickly wash your face in water and keep it in there for about 10 minutes
It depends which hand sanitizer brand you are using. A better answer would probably come from your pharmacist or a clerk at the business you bought the sanitizer from but never put it on your face they say that it will burn your eyes.
Technically, since it's a hand sanitizer and sanitizer means "to make sanitary, as by cleaning or disinfecting" then obviously it's the dirt get cleaned and not the sanitizer get dirty.
I wouldn't.
Hand sanitizer contains alcohol which can evaporate and leave behind a slimy residue. However, adding water to hand sanitizer may dilute the alcohol content, making it less effective. It's not recommended to mix hand sanitizer with water to make slime as it may compromise the disinfectant properties of the hand sanitizer.
The best place to mount a hand sanitizer is located in any place that will be easy to be accessed. This is the best place to put the object in order to make sure it stays.
The alcohol is evaporating, sucking some warmth from your hand as it does, making it feel cool.
It is unlikely that your hair will fall out by putting hand sanitizer on it. However, I would not make a practice of this behavior - it is called HAND sanitizer for a reason
i just did that nothing happened !
It burns like hell.
The easiest way to minimize the effects of hand sanitizer that I found, was to simply was off your hands in cold water, then put on either Bag-Balm or a non-irritating hand lotion.
Put bath and body works hand sanitizer in the freezer for 2 hours or in the refrigerator for 2 days. (Not all brands of hand sanitizer work for this method)