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Q: Should you pull your toenail the rest of the way off?
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Should you pull the toenail off your big toe if its barely hanging on or leave it alone?

Put a bandaid on it for a couple of days and then it will come off easily.

If you have a cracked toenail with dried purple blood should you take it off?

No! Let the new toenail grow to replace it.

How do you make your toenail fall off if they aren't loose?

By picking or peeling the toenail off.

Your large toenail has fallen off 3 times what should you do?

If your large toenail has fallen off multiple times, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional such as a podiatrist. They can assess the underlying cause of the toenail falling off and provide appropriate treatment to prevent further recurrence. It is advisable to avoid self-treatment and seek medical advice to address any potential underlying issues.

Can you take the scope off of an m74dp airsoft gun?

yes. pull off the left side and pull the rest off

How do you take the head rest off the back seats?

there should be a little button on the top of the seats where the headrests latch in, press that button and then pull up on the headrest, it should come off

Should you cut a broken toenail that is barely hanging on?

if there is no quick attached then yes cut it off before it gets worse, the quick is the blood vessel that runs through the nail and if it is severed in any way worse case is the animal could bleed out and possibly die, if the quick is attached take it to a vet, they have things that will make the bleeding stop immediately.

Do you trim the dog's toenail that is higher up on its paw?

No, you should not trim a dog's toenail that is higher up on its paw. It is likely the dewclaw, which is a nail that does not touch the ground and may serve a purpose for the dog's balance and grip. It is best to leave the dewclaw alone unless it becomes overgrown and starts causing issues.

What makes a toenail fall off?

If you drop something heavy on your toenail, it will kill the nailbed and it will fall off. Usually will grow back eventually.

Can you work out if your toenail has came off?


If a bird feather breaks off close to the body should you pull out the rest of the feather?

i don't believe so, but you might want a more professioal opinion

How can you tell if a toenail is dead?

The dead nail will begin to detach (and eventually fall off) while a new toenail grows in.