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Never always speak the truth

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Q: Should you lie about your feelings for someone?
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What is a good reason why people lie?

Sometimes people lie to not hurt someone's feelings.

What is a word for lying so as not to hurt someone's feelings?

White lie A white lie is when you do not tell sombody somthing as it may hurt their feelings.

How does it feel to be lied to?

It makes you feel foolish (if you believed the lie), mad (that someone would even lie to you) or happy (that someone would lie to you to not hurt your feelings). It depends on the situation.

How do you lie to someone?

You should never have to lie to anyone...

Why is it good to lie?

It is not necessarily good to lie. Eventually you will have to tell the truth or it will come out. Sometimes you lie to spare someone else's feelings. Or you can lie to cover up something bad that you did.

Should you lie to make someone feel better?

You should never lie to make someone feel better, all they want is the truth!

What happens when you lie to someone?

There are many different things that could happen if you mislead someone. You could really hurt their feelings for example.

Why do people lie-?

People lie for many reasons. Sometimes it is a little white lie to save someone's feelings. Sometimes it is to take advantage of a person.

Can wrong be right?

yes it can because if someone cooked a meal and it was disgusting you would say it was lovely as to not hurt her feelings it would have been wrong to tell a lie but right not to hurt someone's feelings!

What are some reasons you have to lie for?

There are many reasons why someone might lie. To get out of trouble, to avoid something unpleasant (such as an outing with someone you don't like) or to make themselves sound impressive (also called bragging.) A lie can also be told to keep someone's feelings from being hurt. A lie that is seemingly unimportant and carries little weight is know as a "white lie". In extreme situations, someone might tell a lie to save their life.

Should you lie to someone your dating about a felony conviction?

yes you should

Feelings for your girlfriend?

The feelings you have for your girlfriend should be strong. If you don't have these feelings you need to break up. There is someone for everyone.