Yes............ Dude if your asking this it obviously means the other person upset you. A good partner would never make you feel this way
It will depend on how a person feels if whether or not they should let him go his own way or stick with him. It depend on how emotionally attatched two people are and if something has happened to hur the relationship.
Let him go in a relationship sense. You can be freinds. Just NEVER go back to a love relationship with your X, that's a scarry place trust me
Well, that depends? Is she good at Anal? If she is, I say stay in that relationship...
If he wants to go, you really must let him.
Unfortunately for some reason he feels bound with this past relationship - yes they should let go but if you are being treated badly in the end frankly you should let go. Putting up with that is not something you should be doing. Good Luck
when you want him to
you can let go of relationship if that boy or girl is cheating. but it always ends up that the boy is cheating
Honsetly i think you should let him go if hes not into you then theres no point in chasing after him.
If you want to, you can. Do it if you are in a deep relationship.
Unfortunatley if he has moved on and is in a relationship with someone else at this time there is nothing you can do nor should do as he is where he wants to be at this time. Let them be, let go and move on.
You need to sit him down and talk to him about your relationship with him before making any serious decisions.
You must learn why you are always the victim in your relationships. A good therapist should be able to help.