You don't need to "get over" him. You guys can have a long-distance relationship!
in your head say u have a boyfriend and if he takes it to far tell him
well where does he live if he lives far away then i dont think you will have a good relationship because he lives so far :(
Well it depends on if you have known him a long time and how far have you gone into the relationship. I mean if you live with him then yes because you each shoul dgo half on the bills
You should just ask them and be honest.
it really depends on how far in the relationship it is. If its a new relationship then it can be a little difficult to find things to talk about, but sports and movies are good topics. If it is a closer relationship then future goals are a good conversation starter.
Just Ask Him . If He's Your Boyfriend, You Guys Should Be Able To Tell Each Other Anything .
It would help if you defined "real relationship".
'Ex' means he is no longer your boyfriend and it appears you have still been seeing each other as friends so he is asking you whether he should be in a relationship with someone. It is highly possible he still loves you and does not know how to ask how you feel about him and the best thing you can do is to start those good communication skills going between the two of you and ask how he feels about you both trying a second time around as far as dating again.
Chances are you will have fun with the hot guy but it wont last long. Why are you with the boyfriend? If it's because of the longer lasting things a sustainable relatioship offers then stay with him. The grass is greener on the other side but do you want sex or a relationship? If you want a relationship then it is far more complex then just 'looking hot'. Can the new hot dude offer you all theat you have already??
No, but in most cases its not far off.
When you feel that you truly do, you should let him know how you feel.