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It depends, if you have a fever with it call the Doctor asap.

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Q: Should you be throwing up 3 days after appendectomy?
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If having diarrhea and throwing up and you are a vegan you should not eat veggies. It should go away in a few days.

Could i be throwing up 9 days after sex if im pregnant?

Throwing up can be from all kinds of things. There is a good possibly that you could be pregnant.

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Yes, if you are throwing up blood you should go to the doctor

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If you are throwing up blood after having a fever, you should see a doctor. This is not normal.

You have been throwing up and your period is two days late?

Take a pregnancy test.

How long should you be fine after throwing up?

A day or two or right after you throw up

Why your dog is throwing up for 2 days?

WikiAnswers cannot makes such a diagnosis. Take it to a vet.

You have been throwing up over 4 days and you have a little temperature What is wrong with you?

your might be preganant

Why is your dog throwing up yellow bile and seems to have a fever?

He may be sick. You should call your vet for advice.

Should you eat yogurt after throwing up?

You should typically not eat yogurt after throwing up because it may further upset your should. Most people should allow their stomach to rest for a few hours before attempting to eat again.

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If your dog has been throwing up and has had diarhea for a few days, you need to contact your vet immediately, or get the dog to a vet immediately.

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