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Q: Should pee be clear
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Related questions

What does dark pee mean?

It means you're not drinking enough fluids. Pee should be clear.

What does it mean when your pee is clear?

your hydrated

How much water should a 11 year drink a day?

i Know it may sound gross or weird but you should drink enough water so that your urine (pee) is clear or almost clear.

How long will it take until you acne is clear if you use pee?

not too long, but you should drink it to get the full effect

Would two small hits of weed still be in your system after four days?

probably. drink water until your pee is clear and then keep drinking for about 2 days. you should be alright. probably. drink water until your pee is clear and then keep drinking for about 2 days. you should be alright.

Why do pee colors change?

Sometimes our pee change colour whether it is yellow or clear...If your pee is in yellow colour it means you need to drink alot of water and if it is clear you drink water alot.

Is clear mucus coming out when you pee a sign of your period for a female?


How do you use a clear blue pregnancy test?

Well.... You pee on it...

Does sharky go pee-pee on dog?

do you love me or should i go pee-pee on you, Joerty Hertyolpe

How should pee look like during pregnancy?

You may be putting out more urine (pee) while you are pregnant but it should not change in appearance. Dark or cloudy urine could be signs of a urinary tract infection, drink more water and if it does not clear up, call your doctor.

" how much should i pee everyday"?

you should pee atleast 3 times a day

What does dreaming of clear river flowing uphill mean?

You need to go pee.