If you and your girlfriend are both happy to do this AND she asks you to, then this would be OK.
However if when you ask she says NO then it is NOT OK.
depending how hard she likes, and what mood she is in
NO. And if he does, call the police.
well he might think you like it and are turned on by it. or he might be a dominate. or he might just want to punish you for something.
you can spank 7 years and under
if your partner wishes to have them spank then spank them all the way
Yes you should
in the bedroom to spank you
I personally think that u should spank them hard enough to teach them their lesson. Don't do it too hard though, they might hate u. No they won't Im just kidding. But spank them hard enough to teach them their lesson. Want more facts about spanking? visit http/how-hard-should-you-spank-your-kids.aspx?
You don't "spank" a horse, just smack it's flank if it needs to be disciplined.
You can but try not to make them cry. Because then your parents will come and maybe spank YOU BARE BUTT!
you should save the spanking for after the birthday