No. Both are minors and below the age of consent. It is illegal for them to date.
Yes, it's no different than if the roles were reversed. Someone who is in 11th grade obviously has a lot more knowledge than a 9th grader. If you would like to date someone who is a lot less educated than you, you are more than welcomed. Any 9th grader can be easily attracted to older women but only girls who are boy-crazy would date anyone. I recommend you do NOT date a 9th grader but it's your choice.
It is normal for children of that age to simulate dating; however, this behavior is a game and an experiment rather than the creation of a romantic or sexual relationship. Normal behavior includes passing notes, flirting, dancing, and kissing.
More sexual behavior like heavy kissing (making out), fondling of genitals, etc. is a warning sign that one or both of the children may have been sexually abused or exposed to sexual material not suitable to their age group. Seek the help of a trained social worker or therapist for assistance.
OMG!!!!! No NO NO NO NO that is considered to be like the 15 year old be a sex offender! that is insane. that is just a stupid idea. that's just not right!!
^whoever wrote that's a retard.... look honey, if the 15 year old seems effective towards you then try! it could work! x im 17 and my girlfriend's 13 so...... just remember this, boys always gotta be older
all a matter of how big of crush is and how old is "old enough to date"
i say age is just a number, so if you(assuming its you) like the girl go for it!
Most time it is just a hi and goodbye crush
If he is 25 and still a boy, stay away.
You should learn more about your crush and decide if he's worth breaking up with your boyfriend
It is normal curiousity, but if you feel uncomfortable or worried about it talk about it to an adult you can trust.
just chillax a while with her. u will both become closer
Wait a couple of years
I do not think that's very possible, its probably just a HUGE crush. Most boys arent even intrested in girls to that degree until they are in their twenties.
An 11 year old girl should wiegh around 110lbs-125lbs A 5'4 11 year old girl should weigh around 108lbs-130lbs
i am 14 year old boy and i havea 13 year old girlfriend so yes..
Because Her Crush Is In The Room And She Can Be Happy And Exited.And She Will Probably Talk To Him.!