Not everyone wears pajamas or a nightie. Some people sleep naked or only wear knickers or underpants. Therefore, what you wear in bed is entirely up to you.
That is absolutely none of your business!
Some wear pyjamas, some wear boxers and shirt, some sleep shirtless..why? Because they like it and as long they are fine with it. It depends mainly on temperature. I don't think they sleep shirtless in the base camp of Mt. Everest or in the Antarctic polar station or in winter in unheated rooms.
U can only get a shirtless sim IF hes a boy. To have him shirtless, go to clothing, then click swim-wear or sleep-wear. Find an option that has blank skin. There's ur shirtless sim! (U can have a shirtless girl sim if u count having a bra as no shirt.)
If you're a guy it's fine if you want to exercise shirtless. I'm a teen and I exercise shirtless all the time.
They can, just not in a sexy way
Well, isn't that a fun question! Boys, just like anyone else, can choose to sleep however they feel most comfortable. Whether they prefer to sleep shirtless or not is entirely up to them and what makes them feel cozy and relaxed. It's important to respect everyone's choices and let them be themselves.
Go to sleep with like boxers
You don't.
No not at all, be proud of the skin you're in.
Well, kiddo, if the rule is no shirtless snoozing, then throw on a comfy t-shirt and call it a night. It's not the end of the world, just a little inconvenience. Trust me, there are bigger battles to fight than this one. Sweet dreams!
Go onto photo bucket and type in 'Taylor lautner shirtless' and it should come up.
Well, honey, at 13 years old, that boy is probably going through puberty and discovering all sorts of changes in his body. If he's comfortable sleeping shirtless and it's not causing any issues, then go for it. Just make sure he's in a safe and appropriate environment. And hey, if he starts feeling awkward or self-conscious, there's always the option of throwing on a comfy t-shirt.