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Q: Should I sleep for 1 hour or stay awake?
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Should you go to sleep or stay awake if you had a concussion 10 hours ago?

go to sleep

How long can a person safely stay awake?

Well if your asking hours I can't answer that. But I've heard that you can stay awake for 11 days. But don't try it you need your sleep

What should I do when I am at work but want to sleep?

Drink a cup of coffee, or try a five hour energy. The most important thing to do if you want to keep your job is to stay awake. Make sure you get plenty of sleep before your shift.

Does iron help you sleep?

no, it actually makes you stay awake!

How does sleep affect your grades?

you can stay awake more and you can focus on the tasks

What can help me stay awake in the day time?

sleep during night

What are the sleep habits of a asanbosam vampire?

they don't sleep they stay awake all night long, and they can stay awake for more then a 1000 years. but they can fake sleep very well and you would never know when they are watching your every waking move.

Which animals and plants are able to keep awake for seven night?

One animal that can stay awake for seven nights is a dolphin. Dolphins can actually stay awake for two weeks before needing sleep.

What alcohol can you drink to stay awake?

Alcohol in any form should not be your choice of beverage to stay awake.

What disorder can result by the over-use of caffeine?

Caffeine cannot replace sleep and should not be used regularly to stay awake as the drug can lead to more serious sleep disorders, such as insomnia.

How do you stay awake at school?

just go to sleep! if you are really that bored, it is your teacher's fault.

What do they call people that sleep all day stay awake all night?
