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Sometimes a Tic bite can cause this. Tics are paracites and normally live on animals. Deer are covered with them. They hold on with their teeth, usually burying themselves into your skin and only the bum of the tic plus its back legs can be seen sticking out. They will suck blood and when they are full will release their grip and drop off you. They then live off the meal for a number of days/weeks but when they are hungry again will jump onto the next warm blooded thing that walk past. A tic bite from the tic genus IXODES can spread a Spirochaete, Borrelia Burghdor Feri which can cause LYME Disease. After a 3 to 32 day incubation period, a red rash developes in 75% of infected cases which slowly spreads. You may experience intermitent fever, malaise, headache and neck stiffness. You may also have muscle and joint pains. Each attack can last for months and can recur over several years. Now it is probable that you are not infected even though you may have been bitten. Most bites will result in a red ring around the bite but it does not mean you have been infected. Dogs also carry tics. Try to think if you have been in a contact situation. You can visit your doctor. If you are at risk you would be give Tetracycline or Penicillin antibiotic treatment. If you ever see a tic buried in your skin do not pull it off. It will hang on with its mouth parts and you will only remove half of it. You can touch its bum with a lighted cigarette and it will let go. Careful not to burn yourself, or you can hold alcohol againt it which will kill it. Pour alcohol into the lid of the bottle then tip it onto the tic holding it firmly to the skin so that there are no leaks. It will take 3 or 4 mins but should kill the tic. Pull it out with tweezers.

Hope this helps.

ANSWER: Or it could be your socks, I get those. :P

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