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i have a blister with a red ring around it

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Q: What if your blister has a red ring around it?
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You are on the nuva ring and now have a blister is this normal?

Your question is missing some information, like the location of the blister, but I can't think of any way that a blister would be related to Nuva Ring. Please see your health care provider in the next two days if the blister is in the genital area.

How can you detect if an xbox had red ring?

Yes the ring around where it shows how many controllers you have will turn red.

Small red cirle on your arm with a white ring around it?

A small red circle on your arm with a white ring around it is most likely ringworm. This is contagious by touch.

What word does it make by rearranging the letters in 'blister' around?

"Bristle" is an anagram of "blister."

What would cause a red ring around a gash?

An infection

What could a single red blister on my left arm that does not hurt be?

A single red blister on your left arm that does not hurt could be nothing. It just be where you rubbed against something.

What color on m9 paper indicates nerve or blister agents?

pink, any shade of red

What is a good blister treatment?

To prevent blisters, you need to minimize friction. For the feet, this begins with appropriate shoe and sock selection. Make sure your shoes are the right size and shape. Wear socks made from synthetic blends. Before you exercise, apply petroleum jelly or talcum power to reduce friction, if needed. If you get a blister, you'll want to relieve your pain, keep the blister from enlarging, and avoid infection. Signs of infection include pus draining from the blister, very red or warm skin around the blister, and red streaks leading away from the blister. Small, intact blisters that don't cause discomfort usually need no treatment. The best protection against infection is a blister's own skin.

What is it when a red ring appears around your anus?

Food allergy or yeast overgrowth

What is a red patch with a white ring around it?

I think that's the fungus 'ringworm'.

What is a white patch with a red ring around it?

I think that's the fungus 'ringworm'.

What kind of Bug bite starts out as a few little bumps with swelling and turns into a large blister with red ring around it?

Bed bug and spider bites usually starts as small bumps and then forms into blisters. However, the way you describe it sounds as if it may be an ulcerated bite - that should be seen by a doctor.