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I did quit smoking pot at the age of 18 mainly due to anxiety attacks. At the time I was a healthy weight. That was 10 years ago. Around 12 months after quitting, I gained 40kg and still have not been able to shake the weight even though I eat healthy and exercise. So, each person is different, but maybe your best bet is to see your doctor and discuss a weight management plan and have your thyroid function checked.

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Q: Quitting marijuana and weight gain
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Does smoking marijuana increase fat in your body or reduces it?

Marijuana has no effect on weight gain or loss. Most gain weight because they get hungry when there high

How fast can you lose weight from smoking marijuana?

You don't lose weight from smoking marijuana. You gain weight because you get the munchies when high, and eat a lot.

Can people gain weight if you continue to smoke marijuana?

Yes. People actually tend to gain weight while smoking marijuana due to the effects of increased appetite and decreased energy. However, THC is stored in a person's fat cells, therefore the more weight you gain, the longer marijuana will be traceable in your system

Does quitting marijuana reverse impotence?

Consuming marijuana does not make you impotent.

Can quitting smoking cause cellulite?

I don't believe quitting can cause cellulite.. Why? When you smoke you can gain weight. Gaining weight and not being active and sitting on your a$$ causes cellulite. So quitting.. No chance. ha.

Does marijuana make you gain weight since it?

Some will gain weight, and others will lose it. Drugs have different effects on different people, and can either make you feel more hungry (gain weight) or less hungry (lose weight).

Does marijuana cause cellulite?

The use of marijuana does not directly effect weight gain, or cellulite. There is a causality postulated by some that marijuana usage results in slothfulness and therefore weight gain, which can cause cellulite. Cellulite is caused by problems with the connective tissues and the expansion of fat cells inside the body and marijuana does not directly, or indirectly effect these connective tissues.

Can a person gain muscle from weight training and eating right but at the same time have an addiction to drugs?

yes, but i'd suggest quitting.

Will you go through withdrawal systems from quitting spice?

Yes you will. Just like marijuana, if you smoke it regularly you form a mental habit with smoking and quitting can lead you to feeling stressed, annoyed and unhappy. I have found quitting spice to be much harder then Marijuana, though I am unsure to the exact reasons why.

Can smoking weed make you skinnier?

The marijuana itself has no influence on your weight gain/loss. Marijuana does, however, cause an increase in appetite and that again may lead to weightgain.

How does tobacco affect the metabolic system?

It increases the body's metabolism. Quitting smoking therefore often has the result that people gain weight afterwards, sometimes considerably.

How does marijuana effect metabolism?

The effect of marijuana on metabolism has not yet been scientifically determined, but its effects on appetite and weight gain HAVE been proven. Those who smoke pot will experience "the munchies," although it is unclear whether this is due to a temporarily increased metabolism or whether it is caused by other chemical responses in the brain. Over time this increased caloric consumption will lead to weight gain, which is why HIV/AIDS patients who need to gain weight may be treated with marijuana to help improve their appetite.