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prevent disease, improve the quality of one's life and maximize physiological capacity.

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Q: Proper healthy lifestyle behaviors and sensible exercise would?
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Is it imperative to exercise in order to lead a healthy lifestyle?

Yes, exercise is crucial.

Why are healthful behaviors an important part of staying healthy?

Diet and exercise!

What is a healthy balanced lifestyle?

Eat Healthy and at a right amount, sleep early, and be happy! And exercise.

What points are in a healthy lifestyle?

healthy eating, exercise, regular checkups, psychological balance, rest

Sentence for component?

As well as a healthy diet, exercise is a huge component in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

What is the downfall of not maintaining a healthy lifestyle?

that you don't do enough exercise for your body

How can you maintain a healthy lifestyle?

To maintain a healthy lifestyle, you should eat healthy and exercise. How many times you exercise per week is up to you, but 3 or more times is ideal. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is a good road to take.

How you can practice healthy lifestyle?

You can have a healthy lifestyle by having a proper diet and regular exercise. You should also follow the right food pyramid :D ..

What is your lifestyle?

My lifestyle is busy but still healthy. Even if I have a hectic schedule, I still make it a point to eat healthy and exercise few times a week.

How can you practice a healthy lifestyle?

You can have a healthy lifestyle by having a proper diet and regular exercise. You should also follow the right food pyramid :D ..

How can you live a healthy lifestyle?

Living a healthy lifestyle consists of a healthy diet and exercise routine. Also, not smoking and using drugs as well as not drinking large amounts of alcohol.

How healthy behaviors and choices can positively affect your health status?

Healthy choices in food and exercise make you more healthy overall.