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Q: Patik is very sociable. He is always the first one to step in and make people feel welcome. On which of the Big Five personality factors would Patik score highly?
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Patik is very sociable He is always the first one to step in and make people feel welcome On which of the Big Five personality factors would Patik score highly?

Patik would likely score high on the extraversion factor as he is sociable, outgoing, and enjoys interacting with others.

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Why should you always have two gerbils?

They are VERY sociable animals. So they can get depressed.

Is it correct to say you are always welcome?

It can be correct to say you are always welcomes. It is correct when finished with "in my home or at my place of business."

What is the Navajo translation of welcome always to my home?

welcome to my home

What part of speech is the word 'welcome' in the sentence 'your cousin is always a welcome visitor'?

In the sentence "your cousin is always a welcome visitor," the word "welcome" is being used as an adjective to describe the type of visitor your cousin is.

Sample of welcome note for freshers party?

Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity

Why must people always open the door?

to welcome them inside.

What is toujours les bienvenus in English?

always welcome (here)

What is pleasing personality?

A pleasing personality is a personality of a person who is pleasant to be in company of. Characteristics of a pleasing personality include good manors and good morals. A person with a pleasing personality is selfless, and is always nice to other people.

Is personality always more important than appearance?

Sometimes but no always because you don't want to be going out with someone who is really good looking but has the personality of a door handle.

You always feel like an outsider because you don't talk much and don't really know what to talk about so how can you be more sociable?

Grow some balls.