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First of all she needs to get checked out to make sure she doesn't have anything that can be passed on to you or infect you.

If is then your choice if you want to stay with her or not, it depends on your feelings for her and if you can look past it. Discuss with her how you really feel and maybe you can work it out that way

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9y ago

This is entirely up to you.

If she prostituted before you were in a relationship, let it go. The past should not affect your current relationship because it cannot be changed. Everyone has done things they regret, even you.

If she prostituted while you were in a relationship together, then its a little more serious and difficult. This will of course affect your trust for the duration of the relationship. Many partners have developed paranoia syndrome as a result of being cheated on, which affects the health of the relationship. In this case, why did she not come to you for the money? Why did she not seek help from a bank or lender?

Some people are trapped in prostitution. Either by false promises, desperation or exploitation.
Someone may have told her that it's a quick and good way to get money to help - this is in fact not true, but it wouldn't be greatly her fault for falling for this because she was in financial difficulty.
Many people are exploited into prostitution. She may have borrowed money from a loan shark, who forced her into prostitution to get the money back. In which case she needs to report it to the police.

When people are desperate, they will take desperate measures. The meaning of life is survival. People and animals will do anything to survive, sometimes desperate and ill-thought things.

You need to have a talk together, just the two of you, in a neutral place, such as a park or bar. Maybe with a relationship counsellor if you feel you need that extra support.
Talk with her through it.

If the prostitution happened before you were in a relationship. Drop it the subject. Forget it. Get on with your lives together as a couple. Past is past, you're not a time traveller.
If the prostitution occurred while you were in a relationship together, find out why she didn't come to you or seek help from a financial institution. Find out if she was exploited (if she was, contact law enforcement).

It might be in your best interests to both get tested for Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Even if no symptoms are obvious and even if protection was used, there are still chances of infection.

If you take the forgiving route, you will both need to make promises to each other to never see another person. Yes, including you, even though you haven't done anything yourself. This is because she will feel insecure because of her guilt, so if you promise too, that's an extra re-assurance for her.

If all fails with the peaceful approach, seek a relationship counsellor.

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