Ano po bawal Na karne SA may g6pd
Can you be around fire works if you have g6pd
Yes. Direct DNA testing and sequencing of the G6PD gene are possible, and there is also a fast an inexpensive test called the "Beutler flourescent spot test" that can be performed on the blood of a patient suspected of having G6PD.
The most significant consequence of this disorder is hemolytic anemia, which is usually episodic, but the vast majority of people with G6PD deficiency have no symptoms.
Tramadol is not on the list of contraindicated drugs for those with G6PD. Remember to always tell your doctor and pharmacist that you are G6PD Deficient and have them verify that the medicine is allowable for your use. An answer of 'probably' isn't really acceptable from a doctor making $300 an hour ;)
Yes, women can have G6PD deficiency. The condition is inherited in an X-linked recessive pattern, which means that females need to inherit two copies of the defective gene, one from each parent, to have the full-blown deficiency. However, women who inherit one copy of the gene can still be carriers and may pass the gene on to their children.
The acronym G6PD stands for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. It is sometimes referred to as G6PDH and is an enzyme in the pentose phosphate pathway.
G6PD or galactosemia.The baby is not able to metabolized galactose in the body causing mental retardation.Soy milk is recommended for this babies.