

Mental and emotional health

Updated: 9/17/2023
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12y ago

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Are great to have in balance with spiritual health.

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What is health composed of?

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Which part of the health triangle deals with managing anxiety?

for apex it is mental and emotional

What are the parts of the health triangle?

1. Social Health 2. Mental (sounds weird) Health 3.Emotional Health

What is the definition of emotional and mental health?

Mental health is how well you deal with stress. Emotional health is how well you express your emotions.

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What is mental or emotional health?

how you react to the different events in your life

How is mental health different from emotional health?

Mental health refers to cognitive and psychological aspects of well-being, including conditions such as anxiety and depression. Emotional health focuses more on managing one's emotions and feelings, such as being able to cope with stress and express oneself constructively. Both are interconnected, with mental health influencing emotional health, and vice versa.

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mental/emotional health

Does architecture have anything to do with mental health?

Absolutely. People's surroundings and environment are major factors in their emotional and mental health.

How can poor mental and emotional health affect physical health?

Mental and emotional health form one component of your "health triangle", along with physical and social health. The elements of this triangle affect the other elements. For example, if your mental and emotional health is poor, it might lead to bad eating habits as you try to cope with sadness, or lethargy, if depression makes you lose the will to exercise. Thus, poor mental and emotional health has a negative impact upon your physical health.