Anticholinergic drugs.
Cholinergic drugs will actually increase the release of saliva and mucus from their respective glands.
Two of the most common medications used to treat secretions are both antimuscarinic - scopolamine and glycopyrrolate.
Adrenaline is released which dries up body secretions
this is a prescription medication, so you will have to ask your obstetrician
Fingerprint secretions are the natural oils, amino acids, and other compounds that make up the residue left behind when a finger touches a surface. These secretions create a unique pattern that can be used to identify individuals based on the specific arrangement of ridges, loops, and whorls in their fingerprints.
If you are tasting bleach in your mouth and have not used the chemical for cleaning, you are probably tasting gastric secretions from your stomach. This will happen when you cough and the secretions come up your esophagus into your throat.
Deodorants are used to mask the odor of sweat secretions. Sweat itself is typically odorless, but when it comes into contact with bacteria on the skin, it can produce a strong smell. Deodorants contain ingredients that help neutralize or cover up this odor.
The main benefit of using an expectorant when sick is that this medication causes the body to increase its mucous secretions in order to help rid itself of illness harbored in thicker secretions that are difficult to expel. By taking an expectorant, someone who is sick will have an increased ability to cough up any mucous in their throat or sinuses which would otherwise hamper the progression of healing.
Yes, the wet and dry vacuum can be used to pick up water. It is called a wet and dry vacuum because it can be used on either dry debris, or on wet debris and water.
ink in the printer, does dry up if not in use for a long time.
the ink used to dry up if it was not used
Epithelium made up of cells that produce secretions.
It is a valley that used to have water in it but it dryed up.