Yes!!!If you get torrtera the first thing it does is learns EARTHQUAKE!!!!It is the best move you have ever seen.It does 100 damage!!Plus if you beat the Pokemon league it can learn frenzy plant!!
Torrterra doesent learn fenzy plant
It is Torrtera,Mewtwo,and Mewtrince.
Catch an Abra! Alakazam is the best. Just trade kadabra to evolve it.Naahhh I don't think Alakazam is a good pokemon.I think you should get a turtwig and it evolves into a Torrtera!!Plus it grows the fastest levels
Me, I had a Torrtera, Meowth, Staraptor, Floatzel, Lucario, and a Weavile. Well I could defeat you
Torrtera Vaporeon Golem Staraptor Luxray
Well that hasn't happened to any trainer yet. Maybe you should give them time.
I suggest Infernape, Giritina, Empoleon, Torrtera, Dialga, Pialka, Arceas, and trade Ho-Oh, and Lugia from pokemon HG and SS.
you should see empoleon from your rival. and tortera should be just another regular trainer. so i suggest you battle all trainers.
your rival has one. if you battled him everytime then battle him in the fight area. if you want to use that catching people Pokemon cheatr then you can also catch a grotle from some person in route 210.
4 dawn she would have a torterra and ur rival would have an empoleon. so u need to battle them some how.
gett a flying for 1st (i chose crobat) get a water/grass for second (epoleon or torrtera) for 3rd get a strong water (i chose gyarados) and for 4th bug (i have rapidash that knows mega horn) for champ use something super strong like dragonite or garchomp.
The types you need are flying, grass, water, dark, and electrick. But cyntia's spirittomb has no effective type, so just hit it hard with strong moves. And you may want to have Pokemon that have two types. Like when I was battling Cynthia's milotic, it used ice-beam, so you might want to use a grass/ground like torrtera.