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Q: Is there health risk of Working inside a freezer?
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Do freezer burns poison frozen food?

Freezer burn is not a food safety risk

Is a faulty furnace hazardous to your health?

Yes, a faulty furnace can be very hazardous to your health. When a furnace isn't working properly it has an increased risk of carbon monoxide emissions, which can be fatal.

Is the black death still a health risk?

No it is not still a health risk! :p

How can you use health risk factors in a sentence?

There are various health risk factors in smog having area. This is the example of health risk factors in a sentence.

What is risk behaviors?

Risk Behavior: An action that potentiating threatens your health or the health of others.

Health risk for working in a chicken processing plant?

The primary health risks of working in a chicken processing plant include:being cut by a cutting tool used in the processingergonomic injuries resulting form the rapid, repeated motions required on the cutting and packing linesslipping and falling

What is health risk advice?

health risk advice is when someone smoke and they get drunk . people get drunk because of the alkohol

What is the meaning of health risk?

Health risk mainly include the rsik realted to health like: blood pressure, organs, heart realted etc

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how can a stigima affect your health risk?

Heredity influenced by health?

Heredity is a risk factor of health. For example, you are risk of having HTN if you have a a familial history of hypertension.

What is the role of health risk appraisal in health promotion and disease prevention?

Health risk appraisals aim to identify unhealthy lifestyle practices and positive health behaviors in order to identify areas for health improvement.

How can you get a bigger behind without putting your health at risk?

It is not possible to get a bigger derriere without damage to your health by gaining overall body fat. Working out may make a minor difference (for some people) but at best it will be only minor.