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You should just allow nature to take its course. You have your period at that time for a reason. By taking Birth Control pills like Yaz you can actually become infertille.

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Q: Is there a way to get a period faster?
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Is there a way for your period to start faster?

No, there is no way for you to make your period start faster. Your period starts exactly when it is supposed to, you can't make your cycle speed-up or skipn phases of your cycle in order to make your period start sooner.

How do you start your peirod?

there is actually no way you can start your period faster

How do you get your period to come faster?

I'm sorry, but Honestly, there isn't any way to rush your period. It is a completely natural cycle that can not be assisted.

How do you make first periods come faster?

There is no way to make your period arrive more quickly.

How do you get off your period faster?

eat the period blood

What other people have this problem Im 14 nearly 15 and I way about 100 pounds so I havent gotten my period yet is that ok is there anything I can do to make it come faster?

There is no natural way to make your period come faster. You can get it between the age of 9 and 16. (Plus its ok to be 100 pounds its normal)

Is there a way to make your period come faster?

No, there is no way to make your period come faster. Menstruation is part of your menstrual cycle, a domino effect of hormonal changes between your reproductive organs and your brain. You can't skip phases of your menstrual cycles or speed-up your menstrual cycles to force menstruation to start earlier.

Does riding a motorcycle help to end your period faster?

Riding a motorcycle doesn't help to end your period faster.

Can you get pregnant faster when you have your period?


Can eating healthy foods make your period go faster?

Sometimes it can but sometimes it can't..Nothing can make a period go faster..-.-

How can you get period faster?

u cant.

Is there a way to make your breasts grow and you period to start quick click this question and read the answer please?

You can't make your period go faster but you can help it by staying hydrated and staying healthy and being prepared