No, there is no way to make your period come faster. Menstruation is part of your menstrual cycle, a domino effect of hormonal changes between your reproductive organs and your brain. You can't skip phases of your menstrual cycles or speed-up your menstrual cycles to force menstruation to start earlier.
There is no way to make your period arrive more quickly.
There is no natural way to make your period come faster. You can get it between the age of 9 and 16. (Plus its ok to be 100 pounds its normal)
No, there is no way for you to make your period start faster. Your period starts exactly when it is supposed to, you can't make your cycle speed-up or skipn phases of your cycle in order to make your period start sooner.
I'm sorry, but Honestly, there isn't any way to rush your period. It is a completely natural cycle that can not be assisted.
sorry there is no way to stop your period .Your period is for you blood to come out so you need that blood to come out if you stopped your period that would be very unhealthy.
Mother Nature doesn't like to be fooled and so far I haven't found a way to make a period come early. Somtimes when people are over excited, under stress they can either have an early period or a late one. Marcy
You can't make your period go faster but you can help it by staying hydrated and staying healthy and being prepared
there is actually no way you can start your period faster
one way is to have sex two times a day for a weak
You actually can make your period come sooner and go by faster. I'm actually trying to find this answer my self, but here are some ways I have heard: -Exercise! -Use a heating pad on your abdomen. -Having an orgasm can help speed it up, and get the blood flowing. -Drink green tea or parsley tea. There's more but I can't think any right now.
There is absolutely nothing that you can eat or do to make your first period come any sooner than it would naturally. You will only start to menstruate once you reach a point where your body is mature enough to start ovulating, you can no more speed-up your development in this area that you could force your body to grow an extra foot overnight. Your periods start when your body is ready, there's no way to force things to move along faster.
there is no way to make them hatch faster the have to go in their own paste