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Q: Is the smell of sharpies bad for you?
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Is using sharpies on paper bad?

Using Sharpies on paper is generally safe, but it can bleed through thin paper or cause smudging. It is always recommended to test on a small area before using them on important paper projects. Additionally, ensure proper ventilation when using Sharpies as they have a strong smell.

Is sniffing sharpies bad for you?

Yes, they have chemicals and can cause brain damage.

Are sharpies bad for your skin?

Yes, it can get into your blood stream and give you blood poisoning.

Are sharpies the safest permanent marker?

NO! in fact sharpie is the most dangerous permanent marker, because the scent and smell of it can damage you.

Does Albania smell bad?

No Albania does not smell bad !!

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No it doeS not have a bad smell

Why do you always smell bad?

You smell bad because of you sweting.

Why the bad smell when a boy is urinating?

There is a bad smell when everyone urinates :-(

Is drawing on your nails with sharpies dangerous?

No , sharpies wouldn't be invented if you couldn't get it of your fingers!

Do chocolate labs have a bad odor?

No, chocolate labs do not have a distinct smell that is different from other Labrador retrievers. However, as with all dogs, regular grooming and proper hygiene are important in preventing any unpleasant odors.

The mistress breath in Sonnet 130 is likened to?

A bad smell.

Why do expo markers smell so good?

Well i cant tell you exactly why they smell so good. This is what i think, i think there is some chemical or somthin..i used to smell expo markers and sharpies like crazy but the i found out it kills your brain cells so i only smell it once a while...ok thats all i got