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If an individual, for whatever reason, decided to crack your skull open if he/she catches you take a shower after ironing, then it would be a terrible idea to shower after ironing clothes. Even if you are convinced that no such person exists, how can you be sure? What if they simply did not tell you? Just to be on the safe side i'd say don't ever shower and don't ever iron anything.

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Q: Is taking a shower right after ironing clothes is bad?
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When is the right time to take a shower? I will be happy to solve that. You see, if you don't shower at all, you will get lots of bacteria on your body, and nobody likes that AT ALL, right? If you take a shower WAY WAY WAY too much, you might wash away some things that can protect you. What I recommend you to do, is to take a shower today, and take a break from taking the shower tomorrow, but you will have to take a shower the day AFTER tomorrow. I hope you got it.

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If you asked this question ur probably aready FAT!

Is taking a shower everyday bad for you?

yes it is it drys your fricken hair out!!! - The above person is quite a genius. Depends on how fragile your skin is. If you don't have fragile skin, taking a shower every day is just right if you use the correct soap.

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You could if the TV and plugs were right next to the shower, but I don't suggest doing so as the combination of water and electricity is dangerous and possibly deadly.

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If the water is warm and you get out of the shower immediately, the pores will close up right away. If it is cold, the pores will take longer to close.

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No, it is not bad to shower after eating; you can eat and then shower right afterwards. You should not swim right after eating.

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Where Are Your Clothes' And That Would Be Right Cause It Is The Right Answer To Answer. If You Dont Know Go Back To Third Grade! Where are your clothes, because clothes is more than one.

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by looking for the right clothes

How to Get The Best Ironing Results Using Electric Irons?

Ironing is quite a tough job, but was made easy with the advent of electric irons. Contrary to traditional irons, you need not prepare hot charcoal to feed to your iron container, in order to even out the wrinkles of your clothing. The possibility of getting burned from the charcoal is reduced, and you get to save time when ironing as well. Although ironing appears to be a relatively easy task, not all irons achieve the best results when they do it. Here are some tips on how to get the best ironing results using an electric iron: • Segregate the clothes which need to be ironed first. This can be achieved by looking at the tags attached to the fabric, so you know which materials they are made of. This is also important, as different materials require varying degrees of heat. By separating each type, you can eliminate the delay through switching from one ironing setting to another. Burning your clothes will also be prevented if proper the setting for each article of clothing is used. • Place water in the electric iron's water reservoir, as this helps minimize mineral build-up on both the electric iron and the clothing. Additionally, plant sprigs such as lavender enhance the odor of your clothes. Add the sprigs to the water before you start ironing. • Plug the iron in with the appropriate setting. Let is stand and wait until heats up. Most models these days have lighting systems, which signal if the unit has reached the right temperature.It is best that you start with the coolest settings first and end with the hottest. This is because it is easier to wait for the iron to heat up rather than cool down. • For efficient ironing, place aluminum foil on the board as it tries to heat up both sides of the clothes. In this manner, you need not turn the cloth around to iron it on the opposite side. You save time as well as electricity. • To increase crispness of your clothing, you can spray starch solution over the surface. You can make this by dissolving a tablespoon of starch with two cups of water. Spread the solution on the spot before you iron it. • When ironing, do not let the electric iron stay on one spot. Continuously move it to prevent burning.Spray water on stubborn spots to remove the wrinkles. • Always move the fabric on the right spot, so you need not go over the previous spot because they got wrinkled again. • Finally, hang your ironed clothes to maintain the crispness of the material. Electric irons do help a lot in smoothing wrinkles on fabrics. With the right setting for each fabric, the presentable look you are aiming for is easily achieved with iron clothes.