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No it isn't bad for you.

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Q: Is swallowing seman bad for you?
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Is there anything wrong with swallowing bitter seman?

No. The taste will vary slightly with the male's diet.

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The cast of Seman - 1990 includes: Nordin Kadri as Seman

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George Seman died on 1966-06-13.

When was George Seman born?

George Seman was born on 1930-10-31.

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Daniel Seman was born on 1979-01-01.

When was Stanislav Seman born?

Stanislav Seman was born on 1952-08-06.

Is swallowing gum bad for you?

no it is an old wifes tale or myth

What if seman is dark?

then you have a std

Is seman good for your face?


Seman as a moisturazer?

seman holds some of the best moisterizing proteins in any liquid substance rub it on your face