swallowing gum is interesting optical illustions swallowing gum is interesting optical illustions swallowing gum is interesting optical illustions
Swallowing gum is harmless.
nope all the stories that you hera about swallowing gum are not true except the choking one !!!
Not in small amounts, on occasion
its not good for you but its not bad for you. that old myth about it staying inside for 7 years is just that--a myth. it'll digest just like anything else you eat. but just to reiterate, swallowing gum is neither good nor bad for you.
If you cannot stop swallowing it, and you feel you need to, then the only suggestion would be to stop chewing it.
Gum is hard for your body to digest, but swallowing it definitely won't kill you.
it depends what you mean
You don't get tumors from swallowing gum, just a mass of undigestible material that eventually passes out of the system.
There is no scientific evidence to suggest that swallowing semen can help get rid of gum disease. Gum disease is best treated by practicing good oral hygiene, regular dental visits, and following the advice of a dental professional.