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No. Drinking pickle juice helps (I know it sounds weird but it works) and also a mix of water, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, and two tablespoons of honey is good for acidity. The latter is kinda gross, but really good for you and really good for your skin.

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Q: Is swallowing 8 grains of raw rice everyday on empty stomach good for acidity?
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Are grains high in acidity?

Most grains, except buckwheat and millet, are acidic. They aren't necessarily high in acidity but they do have some level of acidity which can be dangerous to your body which prefers a slightly alkaline pH. Refined grains and wheat have highest acidity.

What kind of ulcers can a horse have How are they TREATED?

Many horses have gastric (stomach) ulcers. Treatment involves medication with one of several drugs that alters the acidity of the stomach to allow for healing such as ranitidine, cimetidine or omeprazole. Along with medical treatment, the horse's activity level should be reduced, free choice forage should be made available and grains should be removed from the diet (grains, not specifically concentrate feed).

What 5 foods to never eat to cut stomach fat?

Refrined grains. Fat. Sugar.

Do whole grains really cut belly fat?

Whole grains don't actually burn fat because they have no thermogenic properties. However, eating whole grains helps the stomach stay fuller longer, thus stopping an individual from eating fattening foods.

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To lower sperm acidity, focus on eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Avoid excessive intake of acidic foods and drinks like processed meats, alcohol, and caffeinated beverages. Stay hydrated, exercise regularly, and manage stress to support overall reproductive health.

Does stomach cancer start off as an undetectable liver cancer from eating whole grains like rice and boiled corn?

Yes. It looks like a plain , healthy stomach ,even in terminal cases ,but the patient simply bleeds to death in stomach cancer's advanced stage.

What does the stomach need to stay healthy?

The stomach needs everything else that your body's vital organs need. Food and water. A healthy diet, consisting of a well balance of protein, dairy, whole grains, sugar, and water; will keep your stomach functioning its best. A stomach's sole purpose is to break down food in order for the rest of your body to use it, and keep you alive.

Why do horses chew?

Horses chew their hay or grains in their mouth with their teeth so that it is easier for their stomach to digest. Horses chew from side to side as in a motion of a grinder.

Distilled white vinegar - 5 acidity - what grain is this?

"Vinegar isn't made from grain. It's made from fruit like wine is. So there are no grains in vinegar." the above is not true... the labels for your common vinegar will state that white distilled vinegar is made from grains

Where can I find more information about macrobiotic diet?

The Macrobiotic Diet includes eating mostly grains and animal products, you want to make sure to chew the food generously before swallowing. It's not much different from your normal diet.

What are the 7 foods you should eat?

Seven foods you should eat everyday are berries spinach or leafy greens nuts tomatoes beans yogurt and whole grains, such as oats

What should you do with your dog after eating horse manure her stomach is bloated?

well normally its okay for dogs to eat horse manure because all that's in it is grass and grains, but if her stomach is bloated i would take her to the vet to be sure nothing is wrong. hope that helps. <3lm.