I say no, there are no rules you can only go off of how you feel & hope that you've made the right decision...people get married after a day & sometimes last a lifetime. If you're compatible it'll work whether it's 6 months or 6 years.
No, it really depends on how fast they grow!
No. There isn't a "too soon"... As long as the two of you feel it's right - who cares what anyone else thinks. I know people that have been engaged for 2 years - now headed for divorce court. I have a friend who knew her ex-husband 9 years and they divorced within 6 months. It's your life... do what you think is best for you. I met a man a month ago and I know this is the man for me... he feels the same way. We might feel this way because we are older - so we know what we want out of life... Good luck!
did you say i love you and if your not 20 yet don't
He probably thinks it's too soon .
If you feel he loves you too then go for it...Even if he's not ready to say it just say you can wait....
yes because you dont really know them as well.
about 8 weeks. I have heard that you should wait at least six months, because if you put in dangles too soon the earlobe will be to weak to hold something that dangles and can make the hole bigger, which you don't want.
3 months is too early. its not healthy. wait until 20 at least!!!
1 and 91 will do. 45 years, six months too.
I am six months and I am not big at all but the docter says he is developing fine, I too would like to see someone who is six months, everyone always wants to know what everyone else is like or what is "normal" but there is no normal size, dont worry!
Andrea is engaged to Veronica Berti
no but she wishes she could she is too young for him.