Talk to him about it.
if your boyfriend wont come to school then the best thing is to break it off. if he isn't doing his school work or coming to school then if you two were to ever get married and have children then he most likely wont be able to help support you and your family
Most gyms wont teach classes to children younger than 18 or 24 months.
Whatever the reason, you should break up with him: men who keep their universes compartmentalized like that are not good boyfriend material. Best move on and find someone who is good boyfriend material.
maybe hes ashamed that you have children. Ask him why wont he tell? and if he doesnt answer maybe he isn't the one. He should except you for the way you are and everythign about you, including your children
Maybe theres something he doesnt like about his dads side of the family (famiily secret) or maybe they just embaress him alot...
The best way i know to get over a boyfriend is to do things you once liked to do... GO OUT!!! party a little... and just have fun... u'll meet the right one. it juz takes time. trust me u wont get over him.. over night
move on
If you believe that they have changed and you are absolutely positive that it wont happen again, than yes
have you tried talking to your own parents about this? Ask your boyfriends parents what they have against you. Also have you ever thought that his parents might be a bit overprotective! the girl in the pink cardigan x
you say it. Don't be shy!
he wont listen he wont speak and he will not buy you anything