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Certainly as the body was immersed in hot or warm water and exposure to the cooler air outside of the tub is enough to make the body believe it is cold and cause shaking.

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no, not at all

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Q: Is shaking after a bath normal?
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Is it normal to urinate after a bath?

Nothing wrong with that.

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it is not normal... it is gross if you don't take a bath or shower for a long time because you will smell and be gross.

What is blessed bathwater?

it is just normal bath water

What is wrong if a chihuahua is shaking and panting?

It is normal chihuahuas usually shakes and it could be hot.

What is the average height of a bath?

21 inches normal height from floor to top of bath but check the panel height

Why are your laying hens shaking their heads like they have water in their ears?

It could be lice or parasites. Make sure they have access to a good dust bath.

Is it normal for puppies to shiver after they take a bath?

some time

Where to find normal gems in Pokemon Black and White?

You find normal gems in shaking ground in most caves. I find that shaking ground is more common in Twist Mountain. Also, if you wanted to find another gem, for example, a dragon gem, it is exactly the same.

What are the normal sizes of a house?

3 bed room, 2.5 bath

Is it normal for babies to shake when they are excited?

Yes, it is normal for babies to shake when they are excited. This shaking is often a sign of their developing nervous system and is usually nothing to worry about.

Car radiator is shaking little bit its new car is it normal?

A radiator has rubber mounts that hold it in place. There should be no shaking from the radiator unless one of these mounts is defective or the bolt that holds it on is loose.