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Q: Is peeing on or being peed on by your partner normal?
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What is the past tense of pee?

The past tense of peeing is simply "peed".

Your dog started peeing in the house after another dog peed?

he's marking his territory

If i have never had a period and once i peed and it was relly dark almost like blood but the rest of the day if was normal what was that about?

im no doc but i kept peeing blood and had very dark urine im now getting scans done. you should see your gp

Is it grammatically correct to say you peed your pants?

Yes, it is grammatically correct to say "you peed your pants" as it is a verb (peeing) followed by a possessive pronoun (your) and a noun (pants).

Why is your dachshund peeing at your feet and on the couch beside of you?

If he is peeing when you get home that means that he is so excited that he forgets to hold his bladder. Also if he is repeatedly peeing on the same place it is because when he smells where he had peed before than it reminds him and he pees in that spot again. What you can do is buy a special accident cleaner for dogs that removes the smell.

What is the definition of the word peed?

The term "peed" directly refers to the past tense for the word "pee". The word "peed" is synonymous with the term "urinated". The word "peed" started being used between 1875 and 1880.

Can yurine get you pregnant?

Absolutely not, although you might want to refrain from being peed in.

My guinea pig peed twice in less than 5 minuets should i be worried?

No you shouldn't be worried, It is a normal thing

Can you catch a wort from a frog peeing on you?

No. And only toads pee on your hands, they do it for defence. And I have had my hands peed on by toads TON of times an i never got ONE wart from them. Frogs and Toads are one of my favorite animals.

How can you die when taking a leak?

Getting shot in the head. Slipping into the shower because you peed on your leg. Being thrown off a balcony while peeing off of it. Taking a leak and a greyhound bus driven by a polar bear from the coke commercials slams through your bathroom wall. Chuck Norris appears from inside the toilet and pulls you by your wang into the toilet and drowns you. Peeing in public and a police man tries to arrest you and accidentally slips on the ice and you slide down the sidewalk into oncoming traffic while peeing on your own face. yes there are many ways to die while taking a leak. thank you for your time.

Has your cat peed on your new carpet?

No, my cat has not peed on my new carpet.

Your cat goes to the bathroom in a certain spot in your living room The litter box is clean but she will only use it when she wants to you have recently had to get rid of her 2 kittens?

You cat is stressed from the loss of the kittens. I have had problems in the past with cats peeing in the house when stressed. I hope she peed on a cheap rug, because you will have to remove the item she peed on from your home. She will continue to pee in that spot if you don't remove the rug. I have had to get rid of very expensive oriental rugs due to the same problems. If you can't get rid of the pee spot, maybe you could put a door on the living room to keep her out. Once the spot is not available she should stop the peeing.