The oil from a car is bad for your health.
yes it is bad for your health
oil works well on an engine or a part that needs to be lubricated, but our body does not need that type of lubrication. plus, it tastes bad. synthetic oil is definitely bad for you. i would stay away from oil.
There'sa lot of oil in the food a lot in the french fries. It's bad for your health it gives you pimples and gain weight. I don't eat it and I'm healthy.
Instead of using oil you can use butter this works just as well as oil sometimes even better .One bad thing is butter can be worse for your health then oil .Also there are oil sustitutes made out there.
If you live by one, then yes. It gets into your water and stuff and you have head aches and all sorts of bad things. It's just sad.
Absolutely not; they are very bad for your health. You could make the analogy that trans-fat to the body is like running a care on dirty old engine oil.
Absolutely not; they are very bad for your health. You could make the analogy that trans-fat to the body is like running a care on dirty old engine oil.
Mustard oil contains unsaturated fats and omega-3 EFA which on heating: 1.Unsaturated fats converts into trans fats which is very bad for health. 2.Omega-3,EFA is highly volatile,upon heating omega-3 evaporates very fast. So heated mustard oil is very bad for health.
Yes, tar is very bad for your health
The correct spelling is masturbation, and the answer is no, it is not bad for your health.
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