Here is the MDMA EFFECTS CLASSIFICATION as by the law Euphoric Empathogen; Stimulant; Phenethylamine U.S. FEDERAL LEGAL SUMMARY MDMA REGULATED Yes STATUS Scheduled SCHEDULE Schedule I CLASSIFICATION Hallucinogen
Yes, Ecstasy is both a stimulant and a mild hallucinogen. Its hallucinogenic effects are similar to those of marijuana or magic mushrooms; that is, it makes things look funny, but it doesn't make you see or hear things that aren't there.
For example, objects may look like they are rippling or waving or pulsing, making a dirt road look like a moving river of dirt. Or 3-dimensional objects might start looking 2-dimensional, and 2-dimensional objects might look 3-dimensional. But you won't, like, start seeing zebras with purple stripes dancing in front of you, or something.
MDMA, that is chemically related to amphetamine and mescaline and is used illicitly for its euphoric and hallucinogenic effects.
Also, other drugs that are replacing MDMA in ecstasy more and more are BZP, MCPP, MeoPP, TFMPP - these are piperazines and are not very pleasant, and some have a strong amphetamine effect and can cause hallucinegenic effects for many hours, (even upto 60!). Be careful what you get as ecstasy - buy a testing kit.
Downer for most, upper for some.
Divalproex is the same Depakote and it is a downer.
Empathogen with stimulant properties and a hallucinogen.
Ecstasy? The full name of MDMA is methylenedioxymethamphetamine.
I think its a downer
upper stimulant
Ecstasy (MDMA) has some stimulant properties, and therefore one could refer to it as an "upper". Nevertheless, it also has several other effects (feeling of empathy, emotional closeness to others, etc.) which give it the classification of empathogen/entactogen.
It absolutely can be, all depending on your dose, what's actually in the pill, and your environment. These factors can exemplify or inhibit your hallucinations on ecstasy.
Ursula upper
Marijuana can have a depressant effect, but it is not only a depressant. It may also act as a stimulant or hallucinogen. For this reason, marijuana is a: depressant stimulant hallucinogen