Marijuana can have a depressant effect, but it is not only a depressant. It may also act as a stimulant or hallucinogen.
For this reason, marijuana is a:
Marijuana is a mild depressant
Yes, marijuana can have both stimulant and depressant effects. It can initially produce feelings of euphoria and increased energy (stimulant effects) followed by relaxation and sedation (depressant effects). The effects can vary depending on the individual and the strain of marijuana consumed.
Marijuana may act as a stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogen and can be deadly if combined with alcohol.
Marijuana, as a depressant, will relax muscles while a person is under the affects of it, but has little to no long term, negative effects (on muscles).
Ganja (marijuana) consists of indica and sativa plants. Marijuana from sativa plants tend to be more of a stimulant while strains from indicas are usually depressants. It is difficult to pin point one or the other since marijuana strains are usually a combination of sativa and indica. Generally, marijuana is seen as a depressant.
No, marijuana is not an amphetamine. Amphetamines are a class of stimulant drugs that affect the central nervous system, while marijuana is a plant that contains the psychoactive compound THC, which produces a different set of effects.
You can, but remember that marijuana is a DEPRESSANT, and will be countering the effects of your antidepressant.
No, marijuana is not recommended for people who have depression or anxiety because the drug itself is a depressant.
Marijuana is a hallucinogenic (helps one hallucinate) and is a depressant that hampers the short term memory as does againg. Depending on the strain, marijuana is psychotropic drug. Sativa strains are stimulants, while Indica strains, because of having CB, another psychoactive cannabinoid which has a sedative effect, are depressants.
because it is a depressant drug If you're taking other medications and are unsure how the two will interact. But, you obviously have the internet.
Alcohol, marijuana, lexapro, Heroin(opiates)