French kissing is not sexual. Sexual contact iinvolves the sex organs, while French kissing is more of an oral stimulation.
any age just kiss.the first kiss is sweet so remember safe sex snogging kissing is the age of for sex 18 and snogging any PS don't mind what i said before kissing any so be safe thanks
Kissing is sometimes a prelude to sex but not always.
No. Kissing someone is not sex or a type of sex.
the autosome do not control the sex organs . but the sex chromosome control the sex organs
Kissing neck or nouge
Semen transports the sperm from the male sex organs to the delivering organs, and to the egg cells in the female sex organs.
Sex Organs
No, kissing your girlfriend and stimulating your girlfriends breasts has no relation to her menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle is controlled by a domino effect of hormonal changes between her reproductive organs and her brain, kissing her has no impact on this cycle. Her period will come as normal in accordance to her menstrual cycle, the only time you can change this is if you were to have sex with her and get her pregnant.Oh, heavens, NO.
No. It may lead to sex which can get you pregnant, but just kissing won't do it. You could get herpesvirus from kissing if the person has a cold sore.
During sex, our sex organs are stimulated. There are many nerve endings in our sex organs. This causes the pleasurable feeling