It can be sexual or friendly such as kissing, sex, or hugging a person of the same sex.
Experiences don't make you gay, whether you have one gay experience or a thousand. You are either born gay or you are not.
I can assure you from personal experience, the man in not gay.
from experience, yes.
Gay people experience the same range of emotions as any other people.
No. The fact that someone is gay doesn't have anything to do with environment or experience. You are either born gay or you are not.
bein gay
No he is not I know that from experience
depends on whether they can experience happiness
No, it's only a little town, but from my experience it is gay friendly.
I think most lesbians would agree that we WISH there was proof of Marilyn Monroe having a "gay experience" but sadly, there's no evidence or proof.
During his youth.