Lots of times, girls get weird when they like someone.... Watch out for lots of giggling, strangely random compliments, etc.
Go to sleep when your in a dream open your eyes wide, it might work, you can also ask someone to watch you when your asleep
well as weird as it may seems they actually sleep in pyjamas!
if you are wearing yours, then you determine your time. If you have someone elses watch, means your wearing their time... You know why? Cause it's the 2nd time somones left their watch at my place, and they come to me. POwer it is. Weird but true.
You just show up in there room in the middle of the night and watch them sleep. Be sure to "accidentally" wake them up.
If someone is not able to sleep, they should go watch television for a short amount of time and be off to bed later on. If it has to do something with dreams, take deep breathes and forgot about everything your thinking about, and get in a comfortable position.
it is not weird just silly and stupid and a waste of time, cartoons are fun to watch but not JUST cartoons!!!
Yes, sleep in whatever you are comfortable in
No , it is not unusual for an adult to watch cartoons daily .
Sleep. That's honestly it. At first, braces will feel weird, but eventually you won't even notice them.